This made me quit ALCOHOL Forever: What Does It Take to Stop Drinking?


Hello everyone,

Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and often misunderstood: the indiscriminate nature of alcohol's impact on our lives. Regardless of your background, wealth, or status, alcohol can take a hold of anyone. I've seen it firsthand and experienced its destructive power. In this post, I'll be answering some hard-hitting questions about quitting alcohol, shared by you, my community. Let's get into it and shed some light on the realities of sobriety.

Alcohol’s Indiscriminate Impact

A Common Misconception

It's easy to think that alcohol problems are exclusive to certain social or economic classes, but the truth is far from it. Alcohol doesn't care about your bank balance or your job title. I've witnessed how it can bring down the most successful individuals, stripping away their businesses, relationships, and dignity. It's a poison that targets your mind and body indiscriminately.

Tackling Tough Questions

Dealing with Career Pressures

Question: How do you handle careers that revolve around alcohol, like in the hotel industry or real estate?

Answer: This is a complex challenge, especially in professions where socializing often involves alcohol. My approach has been about setting clear boundaries and leading by example. In the real estate and hotel industry, the pressure to drink can be intense, with alcohol often seen as a necessary part of networking and deal-making. However, I've found that being sober doesn't diminish my professional capabilities; in fact, it enhances them. I'm more focused, more present, and can make better decisions. It's about changing the narrative - showing that success and professionalism aren't dependent on alcohol.

Personal Reflections on Sobriety

Question: What changes have you noticed in yourself since quitting alcohol?

Answer: The changes have been both profound and subtle. Physically, I noticed immediate improvements like weight loss and clearer skin, but the mental and emotional changes have been the most significant. There's a clarity of thought and a level of self-awareness that I didn't have before. My relationships, particularly with my family, have become more authentic and less conflict-prone. Professionally, I'm more productive and creative. Sobriety hasn't just changed how I feel; it's transformed how I engage with the world around me.

Finding Your Place Post-Sobriety

Question: Do you feel like you fit in with the drinking crowd or the sober crowd?

Answer: This has been one of the most challenging aspects of my journey. Initially, I felt like an outsider in both groups. With the drinking crowd, I no longer shared the common bond of alcohol. In sober groups, I sometimes felt like my past with alcohol made me different. But over time, I've realized that my journey is unique, and that's okay. I've started to forge connections based on deeper, more meaningful commonalities than just drinking habits. Sobriety has taught me that fitting in isn't about conforming to a group; it's about finding people who accept and support you for who you are.


Embracing a Sober Life

As we've navigated through these candid questions about sobriety, it's clear that the journey to an alcohol-free life is as challenging as it is rewarding. From debunking myths about alcoholism and social class to confronting personal and professional pressures, the path to sobriety is unique for each individual. Yet, the undercurrents of strength, resilience, and personal growth are universal.

The Power of Community and Support

My journey, like many others, has been enriched by the support and understanding of a community that doesn’t judge but encourages. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent finding solace in the little moments with your children, professional navigating high-pressure environments, or someone feeling out of place in social gatherings, know that your experiences are valid and shared by many.

Looking Forward

As we move forward, let's carry the lessons and insights we've gained. Sobriety isn't just about abstaining from alcohol; it's about rediscovering ourselves, redefining our relationships, and rebuilding our lives on healthier, more fulfilling terms. Remember, it's not about forgetting the past but learning from it and using those lessons to fuel our journey ahead.

A Continuous Journey

For those still struggling, questioning, or on the fence about sobriety, know that it's never too late to start. And for those already on this path, let's continue to support each other, celebrate our victories, however small, and face our challenges with courage and hope.

Together, we are redefining what it means to live a life free from alcohol's grasp, finding joy in our sobriety, and building a community that uplifts and inspires. Let's keep the conversation going, share our stories, and be the beacon of hope for each other.


8+Years Quitting Alcohol: Advice No One Tells You


Sober Life: From Alcohol to Empowerment